Thu 24 August | 9 pm


LA RIVOLUZIONE TROPICALISTA (Brasile) (Walter Salles, 52’, 1994)

Caetano Veloso is one of the most original and influential protagonists of the Brazilian musical rebirth at the end of the 60s. Singer and composer, but also cinema director, journalist and writer, Caetano is at the same time the natural heir of the musical traditions of Brazil and a cosmopolitan and multifaceted artist, tending to new sounds, composing a music always deeply rooted in reality. Born in Santo Amaro, Bahia, Caetano approached music after discovering Joao Gilberto, the 'voice' of Bossa Nova, a musician who defined a new dimension for singers with a passionate yet rarefied singing style.


Joao fascinated the young man from Bahia who discovered a chance to enrich his music without losing sight of the power and heart of a constantly evolving tradition. This documentary, one of five that celebrate Caetano Veloso's 50 year career includes the show Circuladõ. This series of five documentaries was broadcasted by Rede Manchete television in August 1992. The series was acclaimed by critics as the most important production of that year
